
Welcome to Dampco, your dedicated expert in managing damp issues in Warwick, Leamington Spa, and Stratford upon Avon. With over fifty years of experience, we bring a depth of knowledge and a robust toolkit to combat rising damp, condensation, and other damp-related issues.

Comprehensive Damp-proofing

Our approach to damp-proofing is thorough and tailored. We start with a detailed survey of your property to understand its specific challenges. Our skilled surveyors and technicians use the latest environmentally friendly Gell products, injecting them into the mortar joints to create a strong barrier against moisture. This method not only stops damp but also enhances the overall health of your home.

Effective Condensation Solutions

Condensation can lead to mould growth and structural damage if not addressed promptly. At Dampco, we implement advanced ventilation systems and moisture control strategies to maintain an optimal indoor climate. These measures are essential for preserving your property’s integrity and ensuring a healthy environment for your family.

Targeted Rising Damp Treatments

Rising damp is a common issue, particularly in older buildings. Our treatment plans are designed to halt this problem at its source. We inject a specialised chemical barrier into the affected walls, stopping the upward movement of water and safeguarding your home’s structural and aesthetic value.

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Why choose Dampco?

By choosing Dampco it means opting for quality and reliability. Our damp-proofing solutions come with a guarantee of effectiveness, backed by decades of field experience and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

If you’re concerned about damp in your home, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to provide you with expert advice and practical solutions tailored to the unique needs of your property in Warwick, Leamington Spa, and Stratford upon Avon. Protect your home today by getting in touch with Dampco.